Comprehensive Security
Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, Anti-Spam
Every day, Trojans, spyware, viruses and other malware threats become more sophisticated, and now have the ability to circle the entire globe in a matter of minutes. To complicate matters, many of these threats are blended, originating from multiple sources, operating at multiple layers, utilizing multiple protocols. Moreover, they are delivered via Instant Messaging (IM), peer-to-peer (P2P), file sharing, games or other seemingly benign applications that are not scanned by traditional client anti-virus solutions. Small wonder then, that today's complex threats require a solution that goes beyond the status quo.
The WebRoam UTM Gateway Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware service inspects all email file attachments, ftp downloads, and real-time applications such as IM and P2P for total file-based threat control.
WebRoam UTM appliances increase security by reducing complexity.
WebRoam advances UTM protection by combining intrusion prevention, gateway Anti-virus, Anti-spyware, Web Filtering, and Anti-spam, Email Security, Proxy Security (POP3, FTP, DNS, SMTP) services. WebRoam UTM also offers advanced application traffic analytics and reporting for deep insight into bandwidth utilization and security threats.
WebRoam UTM protects network against malware, including viruses, worms, spyware, backdoors, Trojans, Spams and keyloggers. It can detect and prevent virus infections at the gateway for both web and email traffic.
Although most computers in businesses today are protected by endpoint anti-virus software, signature updates and software patches can't keep up with the phenomenal speed at which viruses and malware spread. An additional layer of anti-virus protection at the network gateway can solve these problems. Network-based anti-virus compliments existing endpoint anti-virus software and provides faster, more responsive protection against malware outbreaks.
Performance and Robust Protection
- High-speed scanning with hardware acceleration High throughput regardless of file size
- Low-latency detection during malware outbreaks Wire-speed virus scanning with stream-based anti-virus engine
- Efficient gateway-level defense against widespread viruses, worms, Trojans and spyware
- Real-time malware statistics from daily updates for protection against malware outbreaks
Save your bandwidth by blocking junk emails and rejected at the gateway, before it enters network, and block malware activities that can waste a lot of bandwidth.
Gateway anti-virus and anti-spyware
By blocking Trojans, viruses, key loggers and other malware at the gateway, WebRoam Gateway Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware provides the first layer of defense. All files are analyzed in real time.
Comprehensive Anti-Spam
With 94% of email classified as junk, sorting good email from bad can be an administrative nightmare. WebRoam anti-spam utilizes real-time sender IP reputation analysis to remove spam, phishing and virus-laden messages from inbound SMTP-based emails before they reach your network.
- Email arrives at the WebRoam UTM appliance.
- Junk email is rejected based on Sender IP reputation and additional characteristics.
- Remaining email is evaluated to determine if it is good or junk.
- Good email is sent to the email server.